Pullman & Moscow

Gathering at the Historic Cordova Theater
135 N. Grand Ave. Downtown Pullman, Washington
Sunday Worship, 10:30 AM
Awake (College/ Young Adults), Wednesdays 6:30 PM
Motion Youth (6-12 grade), Thursdays 6 PM

A Note from Pastor Jamie...
You may be saying to yourself, "A Church with Neon lights?"
Yes we are! Pullman Foursquare Church is a community of
Jesus followers gathering each week in the Historic Cordova
We live in a throw away, tear it down and build a new one sort of world. But, we believe that God has called us to make old things new again - to give everything and everyone a chance at a new life. Our world is broken, but God wants to make it new again, and He will use us to do it!
If you're a person who is concerned with where our world is heading and want to make a difference; or someone in need of a fresh start in life - you're not alone. If you're trying to figure out life and struggling with questions about God, relationships, poverty, justice, hunger - so are we.
If you're a follower of Jesus and want your faith to change the world - here and now - we do too. This place is for you!
Join us as we learn to laugh, love, work, question, struggle, play; as we learn to live our lives for something and Someone bigger.
Shalom (God's Peace and Wholeness) to you,
Pastor Jamie Pagels


Classes available on Sundays for...
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade
3rd Grade - 5th Grade
Monthly gathering of 6-12th grade students, learn about God,
worship together, and have Fun with friends.
Growing together in our faith through friendship and learning God's word.
Wednesday's 6:30

Service Times:
Sunday Worship: 10:30 AM
U.S. Youth: 1st Thursday of the month @ 6:30 PM
College/ Y.A: Wed. @ 6:30 PM
Admin. Office Hours:
Monday 9-5 PM
Thursday 8-11