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Rejoice amidst Reality

Begin with 2 minutes of Silence

Scripture : Zachariah 9:9

"Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is he, humble and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey."


By Annie Crawford

The scripture encourages rejoicing greatly to make our excitement about the coming King known. This reminds me of the many times our church has shouted and praised God together. But in this current moment is “rejoicing greatly” still an option? For so many of us, 2020 has felt like a year where celebration was hard to come by. Rejoicing greatly may seem reserved for happier or less turbulent times.

Yet, through all things, including the ones we find unimaginable, Jesus is the same good, kind and loving God. In continuing to celebrate advent amidst a wearying reality, we proclaim that whatever happens, our king has come and will come to us- righteous and having salvation, humble and mounted on a donkey. All through scripture, communities are encouraged to rejoice in the face of major challenges. We too are invited to see the circumstances around us with clear eyes, and rejoice in the midst of them.

Through all things, including the ones we find unimaginable, Jesus is the same good, kind and loving God.

As we focus this week on “sharing”, I encourage you to sing, shout, and praise God in community. I encourage you not to wait for ‘happier times’ or to pretend reality is anything different than what it is. Instead, I encourage you to rejoice in the midst of reality, this current moment, and share from there.

Question to Consider

How is Jesus inviting you to rejoice greatly during this season? Who can you invite to share in rejoicing?

Prayer -

God, you are the God of reality. You invite us to rejoice right where we are at. Lord, would you help us to rejoice greatly even in this season. We pray that our communities would know your love greater through this rejoicing. Amen.

End with 2 minutes of Silence


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