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Our Community

By Anna Ueti

Begin with 2 minutes of silence

Take a minute of silence to put away any thoughts of excitable children, Christmas shopping, present wrapping, Target sales, and just breathe in. Relish in the fact that you are loved and a child of Christ. Quiet yourself, and listen to God. Then once you’re done, pray with me.


Hebrews 10:24-25- And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another— and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Since this is a season of gratitude, I feel like a good start for our prayer would be with exaltation singing praises and thanksgiving for our father.

Take a minute with me to speak to God about his glory: • Lord, you are a Way Maker, you show me how and where to move whilst I feel like I’m stuck

• Father, you are a Guardian, you keep me safe when I’m scared or uneasy • God, you are Good Good Father, you push me to become better and closer to you

Father, you come to us when we are overwhelmed and tired and love us as we are. You have created us as social creatures and we come together to sing your praises. Let us love one another as ourselves in this community that you have created and given to us. Amen

Devotional Thoughts The verse I was given, Hebrews 10:24-25, calls upon us to encourage our neighbors within the community to love one another and commit good will and deeds unto them. This idea wasn’t an unfamiliar one to me however, I was surprised when reading this, how much it feels like Paul is calling us out when he writes “not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing” - a practice that has become more prevalent in the past 2 years due to the pandemic. I still find myself choosing to use zoom because it’s more convenient than meeting in person.

Yet, as we were made in God’s image we need community.......

Yet, as we were made in God’s image we need community, a family beyond blood, people to encourage us to become a better and more Christ-like person. Paul asks us to consider “ how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds” where I believe the answer is to be like Christ - a servant. We live in a consumer society, one that prioritizes a buying rather than serving mentality - this is why we need communities within our society, where we can safely, thankfully, and dutifully show our love for each other through service of others.

Question to Consider How can you serve others in your community? How can you encourage and meet with your community?

Prayer Lord, you’ve made us to be social creatures - wonderful and fearful- let us in a time of adversity come together as brothers and sisters in you to serve and encourage one another. Help us choose to meet with our community and give our time, money, and effort freely and lovingly. Show us the way to love one another through service as you did when you came down as a servant. Amen

End with 2 minutes of silence


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