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Awakening God’s Child in Us

Begin with 2 minutes of Silence

(quiet or focus your mind and heart with stillness as it works for you)

Scripture: Isaiah 7:14 NLT

"All right then, the Lord himself will give you the sign. Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel (which means ‘God is with us’). "


By Jeff Feuerstein

Sometimes we can get too busy and tied up in grown up things to notice well the heart of a child. God commands us to “Look!” for God with us and now in us. As a grandpa I know how newborns command our wonder and attention. As we grow older we can often lose our sense of wonder especially with areas of significant victories or pain making it easy to miss seeing Him in new ways.

"As we grow older we can often lose our sense of wonder..."

Today I found myself inviting God, maybe it was God inviting me, to re-live (and be with me, imagine Him being present in the moment) into some of the memories of my biggest or strongest pains and pleasures growing up. It was delightful to imagine what He might do or say with His patient, strong and kind love in those situations. Let’s let the Lord focus our attention with His command as a good parent does with small child, to LOOK!

I like George McDonald’s encouragement to live in childlike wonder this time of year:"....Take the child Jesus to your bosoms, into your very souls, and let him grow there till he is one with your every thought, and purpose, and hope. And this perfect child, born in your hearts, will make your hearts good; and that is God's best gift to you.”

Questions to Consider:

In what areas might you be tempted to look away from Christ or be too grown up? What might it look like for you to embrace His Childlike heart and allow yourself to be more childlike with Him and others in this season?

Prayer :

God, as I let go of hurt, hardened expectations or seeing things my way, help me as your child in new ways sense your presence in all my life with the gentle and strong embrace of a loving Father. God, give me eyes to see what you are showing me to look for as my good Father. Thank you for giving me good reason to trust you with the simple and open heart of a trusting child in your tender care in this season. In the name of your dear Son, Jesus - Amen.

End: with 2 minutes of Silence


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